Week | Date | Subjects to be covered |
1 | 5 Oct. | Introduction to the course, Basic characteristics of railway systems. History of signalling. Basic signalling principles. - Time table and train order - Token signalling - Staff and ticket - Block signalling |
2 | 12 Oct. | Introduction to RAMS Analysis for Railways - Reliability - Availability - Maintainability - Safety and Security RAMS and Risk Analysis - Hazard and Risk - Verification and Validation - Relevant Standards - The V Model - Risk Matrix - FTA Analysis |
3 | 19 Oct. | RAMS and Risk Analysis - Other Risk Analysis Methods - Errors, Failures and Disturbances - System States - Evaluation of Safety and Safety Integrity Level (SIL) - Development of Safe Programs Railway operation processes - Historical background - Basic definitions (tracks, signals and their classifications) - Interlocking areas - Train movements and shunting movements - Fixed block and moving block signalling - Calculation of block times and headway |
4 | 26 Oct. | Interlocking principles - Route and block principles - Element dependencies - Route protection - Parts of a route (beginning, end, running part, flank, overlap) - Speed restrictions - Basic route locking functions |
5 | 2 Nov. | Interlocking principles - Flank protection - Front protection - Overlaps - Life Cycle of Routes - Reversible and irreversible route locking - Interlocking tables |
6 | 9 Nov. | Interlocking principles - Automation of route operation - Block dependencies and block protection - Block overlaps - Absolute and permissive block systems |
7 | 16 Nov. | Interlocking principles - Managing block direction (neutral vs placed direction, tokenless block systems) - Following protection by block systems - Handling train movements in block systems - Degraded mode of operation |
8 | 23 Nov. | MIDTERM EXAM |
9 | 30 Nov. | Detection systems - Classification of detection systems - Detection equipment - Track Circuits - Axle Counters |
10 | 7 Dec. | Movable track elements - Simple points - Fouling points - Movements on switches - Railway crossings - Catch points, trap points and derailers - Safety requirements - Point machines |
11 | 14 Dec. | Signals - Classification of signals - Light signals - Control and supervision of signals - Signal aspects - Signalling speed restrictions - Shunting signals and degraded mode of operation - Case studies |
12 | 21 Dec. | Train Protection - Cab signalling functions - Supervision functions - Automation of train operation - Data transmission (systems) - Classification of train protection systems - Case studies - ETCS - ATP and braking curves |
13 | 28 Dec. | Interlocking machines: mechanical, relay and electronics. Line block systems. Remote control and operation technology. Level Crossings. Moving block signalling and ETCS. Hazard alert systems. |
Planned Course Syllabus for fall 2023